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Súrr Story

Roast with Love and Passion 

"I am neither a talker, nor writer, nor a professional coffee roaster, but I roast my coffee with Love and  Passion"

I'm Rosarin Russell and I am the founder of Súrr Coffee Roasters. In the winter of 2018 I started my path to roasting after years of enjoying the intoxicating aroma of fresh ground coffee and I felt I could make it even better myself. After reading countless books and taking online courses, I felt I was ready to graduate from my little stovetop personal roaster and invested in 2 roasting machines.

With the help and support of my family, we were able to set up shop in our home. It has not been easy due to the Covid19 outbreak happening at the same we were setting up shop, and many small businesses folding and going under. But through perseverance and a focused mindset, Súrr Coffee Roasters will be here to stay and provide you with fresh roasted single origin coffee sourced from around the globe.

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